I was asked the other day if I would help a friend with her resume. If she needs it, she said. IF --- more like it WHEN.
I've decided to start blogging about job search topics --- I've gone through this too many times. This morning I read that the Fortune 500 executives are an arrogant and narcissistic breed. Well most of us, fortunately, are not that arrogant and not that focused only on ourselves. Thus, we can and will find ways to work together.
I've been exchanging emails with a Seattle PI reporter who had written something that touched my core. He's not only been writing for the PI some 20 years, but he grew up here int he PNW and recalls the PI delivery daily. Well, I do too. And I suddenly realized that with the PI closing shop, my writing competition just got a bit stiffer. Well, I can fight it or I can step up and offer help, I said. So I did.
Here's what I've done so far:
Shared a couple transition ideas: Move from journalism to technical writing, or copywriting, or perhaps be a freelance journalist.
Shared compassion about how hard the 60 day notice is.
Shared stories about how some people just don't really help, whether they know it or not.
Shared stories about why I say it's crucial to be cautious about with whom you share or try to network.
Shared links to resources online.
Shared my insight about how hard it is to deal with people who just don't know what to say --- or say hurtful things.
Friends, there is no gain in keeping things secret. We must share our coping tactics, ideas, and leads. It is what makes our world work. There is no gain in isolating or hiding.
I'm in a strange spot of having gone through this a few times -- so I know it's a self esteem destroyer, but it's also a time to redefine who we want to become.
I just heard that someone jumped off a buildling in Bellevue 2 days ago. Not even in the news.
Let's not let ourselves fall into that death trap thought process. Let's help each other.
Delta Makes the Difference
19 hours ago
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