Way to go! The Lamb's won the hearts of our newest clients, the good folks at the Solstice Spa in Leavenworth. They say they loved working with us. We were tired, but sure enjoyed the work. I'm so glad it came together so smoothly. I'm sure our business outlook just gained momentum. We connected with 3 Realtors in our area, one of whom is the broker for the Cascade team.
I am so happy. I get to do the marketing and business management. Rick is the camera guy for most of these shoots. I'll back him up, but our team approach is to let him be the camera guy. It's falling together nicely. Now we move into an interesting period.
Following through on the marketing, our approach and our methodology will be processed into a flexible mold. Then we go on the road.
It's really nice and casual to chat with Realtors and just be me. If they are interested we know. For now, we are moving forward gracefully.
Delta Makes the Difference
17 hours ago